As I played through Chapter 10 of The Evil Within, I found myself drawn to all the weird little odd and ends the team at Tango Gameworks inserted into the background. The textures are a little on the low-res side, but you can tell that a lot of care was put into the game’s environments. It’s easy to forget how much work goes into these games.
Exit 666 to Placid Derangement.
Do they make labotomie for teens?
This jukebox plays all the top hits, like “Wasabi” and “Cave Operation”
It probably costs a lot.
That title practically sells itself.
Clearly, that is not a chapel.
Not pictured: Barrel rafting mini game.
That’s a lotta jeans.
The British original was called “London Fog,” and it was way scarier.
Probably a fitting title for most J-horror movies.
That is one pricey steak sandwich.
They sure advertise a lot, considering there is only one left.
This machine actually dispenses live explosives. That was a shocker.
The Dead Lloyd and Raging Revolver dual bill was the greatest night of my life.
I missed Zom Bomb when they came around last month. They’ll be back though. They always come back.
Yes, yes it was.
Germany would be heaven for a dog.
I’ll be posting a full writeup on the game later this week.